Tag Archives: happiness

Why hello world indeed

28 Dec

Well hello lovely world indeed!

Whilst I have been down this little ol’ blogging road before, this time feels somewhat different.

I’ve finally come to realise that there are just too many wonderful things in life to just write about – it all interests me! I am passionate about so many things and my experiences through these, make up a big part of who I am today.

So in celebration of this wondrous epiphany, I hereby introduce to you ‘Dom Hearts‘ my very own little place on the web where I celebrate life, fashion, beauty, home and much more.

I have not been this excited in a while and I feel as if this blog, comes at a time in my life where big changes are coming in love, happiness, career and so much more. Feel free to join me on this journey (wherever it may lead) and my quest to live life – a little less ordinary.

Dom x